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Legal Notice

Disclosure statement in accordance with § 5 Digitale Dienste Gesetz (DDG)



Goethestrasse 52
80336 Munich, GERMANY

T +49 177 6524461


Legal form

DEBRA RESEARCH gGmbH is a limited liability company in accordance with the German GmbHG (HRB 271878). DEBRA Resarch is a daughter company of the Austrian patient organization and registred association DEBRA Austria.


Managing directors authorized to represent the company

Dr. Christoph Coch, Dr. Martin Steiner, Prof. Dr. Hubert Trübel


Purpose of the association

The object of the company is the promotion of science and public health. The purpose of the Association is the promotion of scientific and research projects that serve to develop a treatment method for the disease Epidermolysis Bullosa as well as the promotion of public health and public health care through the prevention and control of the disease Epidermolysis Bullosa.


Basic intention of this medium

To present and to give basic information on DEBRA Research, especially for academic researchers and persons working in research and treatment development for Epidermolysis Bullosa, for people working in public health and health care as well as affected patients and their relatives.


Representation in accordance with the bylaws of the association

The executive board of DEBRA Research gGmbH consists of Dr. Christoph Coch, Dr. Martin Steiner and Prof. Dr. Hubert Trübel.


Competent supervisory authority

Any legal dispute arising from the use of the Website shall be governed exclusively by German substantive law, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of law. In case of a consumer contract, the choice of law is effective to the extent that no more stringent consumer protection law at consumer's residence is applicable.

All disputes directly or indirectly relating to or in connection with the use of the Website, including the question of the applicability of the terms and conditions, shall be governed exclusively by the German court having jurisdiction ratione loci and ratione materiae  for Munich, Germany. 


Conception and implementation of the website

digitalwerk GmbH
Getreidemarkt 1, 1. Stock, Top 10, 1060 Vienna, AUSTRIA

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