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Privacy Policy

Data protection and cookie declaration

The protection of your personal data is of particular concern to us at DEBRA Research. We therefore process your data exclusively on the basis of the statutory provisions (General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR; Bundesdatenschutzgesetz, BDSG). In this statement you will find general information about the processing of your personal data on our website, your rights and information about the use of cookies on our website.



1. Name and contact details of the cotroller 

This data protection information applies to the processing of personal data (data processing) by

DEBRA Research gGmbH
Goethestrasse 52
80336 Munich, GERMANY


T +49 177 6524461 


2. Data processing

Processing of your data on this website

The use of our website is also only possible for informative purposes. When you call up this website, your browser automatically transmits the following data to our site provider and stores them as "server log files": IP address, time zone difference to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), access status/HTTP status code, amount of data transferred in each case, website from which the request comes, page visited on our domain, date and time of the server request, browser type and browser version as well as browser language, operating system used, the reference address and host name of the accessing computer.

This is technically necessary in order to display our website and to ensure the stability and security of the website. The data collected is only used for statistical analysis and to improve the website. We can only link your IP address to your user data by "manual" research. We only use this in exceptional cases when we need to deny access to individual IP addresses to prevent abuse and fraud.

The legal basis for this processing is our legitimate interest (Art 6 Paragraph 1 lit f GDPR) in being able to operate our website. We store your data for this purpose for the period of your access as well as for up to 14 months beyond this period, if technically necessary.


3. Data transfers

As part of the data processing activities described above, we use external service providers or contract data processors for certain activities, to whom we may share your personal data or who may have access to your personal data. We have entered into commissioned data processing contracts with our commissioned data processors under which they are obliged to process your data only in accordance with our instructions. Service providers who are not data processors are responsible for their own compliance with data protection laws in respect of your personal data. We have also selected both the data processors and other service providers on the basis of their reliability with regard to data protection.

The service providers and contract data processors we use include

  • the technical operator(s) of our website;
  • other technical service providers who provide us with tools and plug-ins used, in particular: Symplectic, Digital Science & Research Solutions Ltd (fromer CC Technologies), Google Inc., Google LLC
  • under certain circumstances, external consultants such as lawyers and tax advisors, if we need to pass on your data to them in the course of providing their services.

4. Your rights

According to the GDPR, you as a data subject have the following rights:

  • to check whether and which personal data we have stored about you and to receive copies of this data, Art. 15 GDPR;
  • to demand the correction, completion or deletion of your personal data which is incorrect or not processed in accordance with the law; Art. 16 and 17 GDPR;
  • require us to limit the processing of your personal data under certain conditions, Art. 18 GDPR; 

  • object to the processing of your personal data where we process it for direct marketing purposes or on the basis of our legitimate interests, Art. 21 GDPR; 

  • to require data transferability, Art. 20 GDPR; 

  • if we process your personal data on the basis of your consent, you may withdraw your consent your consent at any time, Art,. 7 III GDPR; 

  • to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority in accordance with Art. 77 GDPR. As a rule, you can to the supervixory authority of your usual place of residence or workplace or the registred office of DEBRA Research (for ruther information see 


In order to exercise the above rights, you must contact us in person, by telephone or in writing at the (e-mail) address/telephone number listed below.


DEBRA Research gGmbH
Goethestraße 52
80336 Munich, GERMANY


T +49 177 6524461




So-called "cookies" are used on our website. In this cookie declaration we inform you which cookies are used on our website and how these cookies are used to process your personal data and other information. Further general information about the processing of your personal data on this website, including in particular your rights, can be found in the general part of the data protection declaration.


1. What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your end device with the help of the browser. They do not cause any damage. When using certain cookies, however, information about your device is collected, which may be able to be assigned to you, as well as any other personal information that may be read at a later date. In addition, some cookies remain stored on your device until you delete them. Cookies may originate from us and possibly also from third parties.


2. Your options when using cookies

You can configure the use of cookies in advance through the settings in your browser. In this way you can, for example, generally prohibit the setting of cookies, allow only certain cookies, limit the storage period, etc. You can find more detailed information on this in the help menu of your browser or, for common browsers, under the following links:
Internet Explorer:

You can also specifically prevent certain third-party cookies (see "Third-Party Cookies" below) by using special plug-ins; these are available as follows:
Google Analytics:

You can also give your consent to the use of cookies via our website. You can revoke this consent at any time by deleting the cookies. How this works with your browser, you can read here for the most common browsers:
Internet Exlorer:

If you disable cookies, the functionality of our website may be limited. More details about which cookies we use on which legal basis (your consent or our legitimate interests) can be found below.


3. Processing of personal data through cookies

Cookies on our website are used to process the following information, which may be related to your person and thus represent personal data:

  • Your IP address
  • Time and duration of the visit
  • the website (URL) you are visiting and the website (URL) from which you were redirected by clicking on a link

4. Purposes and types of cookies we use

We use cookies for different purposes. These can generally be divided into three categories:

  • Necessary cookies: These are cookies that are necessary for the functioning and security of the website and your safety. These cookies are used on the basis of our legitimate interest in operating our website, as well as on the basis of the exemption provision of § 25 Abs. 2 Nr. TDDDG for necessary cookies.
  • Analysis cookies: These are cookies that enable us to carry out statistical evaluations of how the website is used, e.g. from which page is accessed how often, which devices are used to access which page, the average duration of the visit to the website, etc. We do not process this information in any personal form, but under certain circumstances it can be assigned to you. Therefore, the basis for the use of these cookies is your consent.
  • Advertising cookies, including third-party cookies: These are cookies that we use to show you advertisements in order to partially fund our website. Most of these cookies are from third parties. The basis for the use of these cookies is your consent. You can find out which third-party cookies are actually used in the section "Third party cookies".

For more detailed information about individual cookies that we use, including the default retention period, please refer to the "Cookies List" section below.


5. Third party cookies

Our website also uses the following third-party cookies for analysis and marketing purposes. The basis for the use of these cookies is your consent.


5.1   Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA). Google Analytics uses text files (cookies) which are stored on the user's computer and which enable an analysis of the use of the website by the user. The information thus generated about the use of this website (including the user's IP address) is transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there. Further information on data use by Google Inc.: information about which cookies are used exactly for Google Analytics can be found below in the section "Cookies List" under Analysis Cookies.

We create pseudonymous user profiles with the help of Google Analytics in order to design our websites in line with requirements. Google Analytics uses targeting cookies that are stored on your end device and can be read by us. In this way, we are able to recognize returning visitors and count them as such and to find out how often our websites are accessed by different users. Data processing is carried out on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR (consent). The information generated by the cookie about your use of our website is usually transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there. However, as we have activated IP anonymization on our website, your IP address will first be truncated by Google within the member states of the European Union. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and only shortened there (further information on the purpose and scope of data collection can be found at hl=de&gl=de). We have also concluded an order processing contract with Google LLC (USA) in accordance with Art. 28 GDPR. Google will therefore only use all information strictly for the purpose of evaluating the use of our websites for us and compiling reports on website activity. Google sets the cookies listed below when you visit our website and consent to the use of the Google Analytics cookie. 

You can revoke your consent at any time. Please use one of the following options to do so: You inform us that you wish to withdraw your consent. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. You can also prevent Google from collecting the data generated by the cookie and relating to your use of our website (including your IP address) and from processing this data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available at the following link (


5.2 Facebook

On our website, so-called social plug-ins (hereinafter "plug-ins") of the social network Facebook, which is operated by Facebook Inc. (1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA, hereinafter Facebook).

The plug-ins are marked with a Facebook logo or the addition "Social Plug-In from Facebook" or "Facebook Social Plug-In". When you access the website, a direct connection is established to the Facebook servers in the USA and certain information (including your IP address) is transmitted. This process takes place regardless of whether you have an account on Facebook or are logged in or not. If you have a Facebook account and you are logged in at the time you access our website, the server can immediately assign the information accessed to your account. To prevent this, please log out from your account before visiting our website. For more information on how Facebook handles your data, please refer to the relevant privacy policy For more information about exactly which cookies are used by Facebook, please refer to the section "Cookies List" below under Advertising Cookies.


5.3 LinkedIn

DEBRA Research gGmbH sometimes uses social plugins or share functions on its website. These plugins allow you to share content and images on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedln and Xing with other people. We ensure that your user data is only transmitted if this is desired. We have therefore decided to use a so-called 2-click solution. The social plugins are deactivated by default. To share posts on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and Xing, the buttons must first be activated. If you are logged into your respective account and use our share functions, you can link the content of our pages to your profile. In this case, the respective provider can assign your visit to our website to your user account. We have no influence on the scope of the data that is transmitted to the social networks in this case. Further information on the data protection provisions of the individual providers can be found in the privacy policies of Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and Xing.


6. Cookie list

6.1 Necessary cookies

Name: CookieConsent
Description: Stores the user's cookie consent state for the current domain
Duration: 1 year
Type: HTTP


6.2 Analysis cookies

Name: _ga
Description: Used to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor's device and behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels.
Duration: 2 years
Type: HTTP

Name: _ga_#
Description: Used to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor's device and behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels.
Duration: 2 years
Type: HTTP


6.3 Advertising cookies 

Name: lastExternalReferrer
Description: Detects how the user reached the website by registering their last URL-address.
Duration: Persistent
Type: HTML

Name: lastExternalReferrerTime
Description: Detects how the user reached the website by registering their last URL-address.
Duration: Persistent
Type: HTML


Last update in June 2024

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